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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

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Dharma Talks given at Abhayagiri Monastery
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2016-04-21 Daily Life Jhana 38:21
Ajahn Sucitto
People often have the idea that one practices “concentration” to achieve “special meditative states of mind” called jhana, but Ajahn Sucitto points out that in fact jhana is a daily life practice of absorbing into the wholesomeness of nature that leads to the embodiment of samadhi – a unified state of the heart. This talk was offered on April 21, 2016 at Abhayagiri Buddhist Monastery.
Abhayagiri Monastery

2015-07-30 What is Practice? 42:16
Joseph Kappel
Reflecting on his many years training under Ajahn Chah and twenty years as a bhikkhu, Joseph recollects themes of faith, gratitude, going against the grain, and the importance of the five precepts. This talk was offered on the occasion of Asāhḷā Pūjā.
Abhayagiri Monastery

2008-06-28 Happiness: Not Forgetting The Gladness Of Heart In Practice 58:06
James Baraz
Abhayagiri Monastery

2008-06-28 Happiness: Not Forgetting The Gladness Of Heart In Practice 1:11:21
James Baraz
Abhayagiri Monastery

2007-05-31 Faith - The Final Frontier 52:09
Ajahn Sucitto
Abhayagiri Monastery

2007-05-27 Uncertainty 42:57
Ajahn Sucitto
Abhayagiri Monastery

1995-01-01 Mindfulness And Clear Comprehension 61:24
Ajahn Plien
(Date unknown)
Abhayagiri Monastery

1995-01-01 The Khandhas: The Whole Practice 46:58
Ajahn Plien
(Date unknown)
Abhayagiri Monastery

1995-01-01 Recollections Of Ajahn Chah's Teachings. 42:19
Ajahn Pasanno
(Date unknown)
Abhayagiri Monastery

1995-01-01 Dependent Origination III : Who Am I? Who Am I? What Is It? What Is? What?? 56:22
Ajahn Amaro
(Date unknown)
Abhayagiri Monastery

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