The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Sr. Abhassara [Mel Zeki]'s Dharma Talks at Abhayagiri Monastery
Sr. Abhassara [Mel Zeki]
1992-01-01 Secret Flame 47:52
Mira's Heart, Lal Giridhara, I Danced Before My Giridhara, Where Did You Go?, The Bhakti Path, Bindaji's Kirtan, What Shall I Do?
Abhayagiri Monastery
1992-01-01 Ashes $ Light 41:16
My Life is Nothing, O Jogi, Dawn of Union, Deep in My Heart, The Leaf of the Lotus, The Potter's Song (Sr. Medhanandi), The Bridge Song
Abhayagiri Monastery

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